Limiting the damage to high crops
Like OSR, Alfalfa should be treated similarly to other seed crops. Weeds are a huge problem in spraying alfalfa seeds, affecting mostly during the establishment of the crop as well as in established fields, meaning that care must be taken all throughout the growth stages to ensure a healthy robust yield.

Because of the wispy way in which the crop grows and the height it can reach, growers tend to opt for a high clearance machine when tackling and spraying Alfalfa seeds. Limiting the damage to the crop is of high importance to any grower, and with the seed heads being very sensitive, it is important to limit the amount of damage from machine operation as possible. That’s where the Agrifac Condor ClearancePlus comes in!
Condor ClearancePlus for spraying alfalfa crops
Condor ClearancePlus is an Agrifac self propelled with all of the standard benefits, as well as clearance of up to two metres. Eliminating the chance of damage from the cab, chassis and boom, ClearancePlus still provides the operator with the stability and exact application options, along with the highest ground clearance of any sprayer on the market.