Cunderdin Ag Services

Cunderdin, Western Australia

Andrew Irving
Cunderdin Ag Services

Contract spraying, most farmers would say is a highly specialised occupation that takes many years to perfect. Knowing the conditions for each farm and how to deliver the best results time after time, takes the right equipment and knowledge gained over many years. It’s a brave step most would say to go halfway around the world and learn it all again, but that’s what contract sprayer Andrew Irving did.

The Company

Originally coming from Hawick near the Scottish borders, Andrew and his family ran a small 900 acre farm for ten years. Before deciding a new life challenge awaited them in the small rural town of Cunderdin in Western Australia. Purchasing a modest property of 1000 acres, Andrew worked hard to establish a well respected and sought after contract spraying business in the district. Using many of the skills and knowledge he gained from spraying his own property in the UK. Andrew adapted and modify his trade skills to get impressive results from farms many others struggled with. Needing a sprayer that could cope with the demands of the environment as well as having the capacity to cope with the large acreage on his client’s farms. Andrew selected the Condor Endurance. 

The Condor Endurance

We decided to purchase an Agrifac Endurance with a 51m boom and a HighTechAirPlus system. We were looking for more technology in our sprayer mainly on the spray side. The HighTechAirPlus really fitted the bill for us and with the Endurance we really got the larger capacity of the tank and a wider boom which has been great.

Working with a variety of crops from wheat, barley, canola to lupins and pasture spraying, Andrew covers approximately
150 000 hectares annually in Western Australia. The importance of having a versatile machine that would cater to all sectors of his business and client requirements was essential for Andrew. With the advances Agrifac has made in spray technology in recent years. The Endurance was the best choice for his business.

The spray technology on the Endurance machine has been quite exciting! Personally I think it is the way forward for spraying in the future, it is so versatile in our industry. The technology is really good, that is one of the main things that drew me to the machine. Not only the HighTechAirPlus but the functionality of the screen, setting it up, flushing, it is very simple and very easy to use! That was a real draw card for me. I decided to go with the HighTechAirPlus option and a 51m boom. I also chose the extra ground clearance which gave us an extra 200mm to cope with the late season work such as canola. And pretty much everything else was standard.


Running two other American machine. Andrew has closely monitored the efficiency of all machines. This will ensure that the business will head in a profitable direction for many years. “All machines run close to 25L/hour on the wide open broad acre farms. The Endurance carries more on board so works out far more efficiently in the long run” Andrew concluded.

Take one for a demo, you wont regret it and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Andrew says to any farmer considering a change.

Learn More about Condor Endurance

Condor Endurance II

Condor Endurance II

  • Construit pentru capacitate și viteză maximă
  • Rampe J disponibile până la 55 de metri
  • Rezervor de 8000 litri
  • Câștigator al premiuli ”Red Dot” în 2019
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Un Condor pentru toate felurile de culturi

Food Crops


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Food Crops


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Food Crops


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Food Crops


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Food Crops

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