Snyder crop services

Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania

Ed Snyder
Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania
United States

My name is Ed Snyder from Snyder crop services. We specialise in crop protection application, fertilizer application and we also sell Liquid and dry fertilizer plus provide a crop consultancy service too.

More technological advanced

I have had my eyes on European sprayers for a number of years, after seeing the functionality and capabilities that they have. Unfortunately, that is not available in North America. It seems that European machines are more technologically advanced then the machines used over here. We had the opportunity to see the machine first hand at the Agritechnica exhibition in Germany.
I was really impressed: a lot of the functionalities that Agrifac offer is standard on their equipment, if we ever wanted that here, we would need to request it as an additional option.

Brilliant Simple

We looked at several European brands and we compared them all, but what set Agrifac apart from the rest was their approach. Dealing directly with the end-user was really impressive for me. They’re “Brilliant Simple”, and their technology and manufacturing that goes into their machines really proves that. Every decision or change that they make complies with the standards we need to meet and it really makes it is a really nice machine.

Highlights of the Condor

The highlights of the Condor from my perspective are the circulations system and the individual nozzle section control. The size also impressed me. Agrifac is able to offer a large capacity sprayer in a smaller machine than what we are used to in North America which is really useful in terms of operations and minimal ground impact too.

Exceptional sales and service

The sales and service from Agrifac is exceptional. I’m really impressed with how Agrifac work through the issues we have had, and I appreciate how they addressed them. I feel like the whole Agrifac team was informed and communication is great. You can talk to anyone from Agrifac and they are all informed about any issue you are having, plus they all seem really interested in coming up with some type of a solution to whatever the problem is. The Agrifac team impressed me, both the sales and service department.

Brilliant Simple

There is a lot about Agrifac that resonates with me when I compare how they work with my job as applying chemicals or fertilizer. I like the direction that Agrifac is going. I like the projects that Agrifac as a company are involved in. They are quite a few years ahead of the competition when it comes to precision agriculture and it is not only electronics or GPS related. They have cracked the technology which allows growers to benefit from precise application. All their solutions are “Brilliant Simple”. As they move forward with their new ideas and projects, I can be confident that whatever solutions they will bring to the machine, it will work well.

Here is what Caleb Strausser has to say about the machine:

The StabiloPlus stands out; it handles all kinds of tracks. It keeps the tyres on the ground at all times. By using the very easy
track width adjustment we are still able to drive over 4 rows of 30 inch corn in the field. The short wheel base in combination with the four wheel steering makes it perfect for us. Travelling on the road is really nice. The Condor is the fastest machine in our company and quite narrow and light compared to North American machines.

ClearancePlus adds versatility

What I see as a big advantage of the ClearancePlus is that we are able to have the high clearance when we really need it. Down the road and during spring we just have a conventional sprayer. It adds so much versatility to our business. We now have a longer spraying season.

EcoTronicPlus enables ease of use

The EcoTronicPlus is very visual which makes it really easy to use the machine. It helps you to operate the machine quickly. In one glance you will see whether all valves are in the right position. And if you want to go in-depth you can find out more information.

A nozzle in between each row

We have a 70/100/130 ft J-Boom, it has several folding widths, which makes the machine even more flexible, we always have
a large boom size. We have a 15 inch nozzle spacing. We choose this because we grown our corn in on 30 inch rows, so we have a nozzle in between each row for side dressing of the crop. Next to this we have 103 individual nozzle sections. Therefore we can reduce application overlap to a minimum.

Circulation system

The circulation system is also new here in North America. We are able to start right on with spraying, it helps us to save
chemicals and it is really easy cleanout as well, which is a huge benefit and very convenient for us because we have a lot of small fields and use different mixes. We don’t have boom ends and valves, so the circulation system helps with that.

The regulator is very fast

With the regulation valve of Agrifac you are always staying at the perfect rate, you can go from 103 nozzles down to a couple and they are still spraying fine with the right application rate. The machine is able to change in little to no time at all which is fantastic.

No worries about coverage

The HighTechAirPlus really helps control the droplet size. For different chemicals and different weather we can control the droplet size easily. We don’t have to worry about the coverage of the crop, the computer will also add the right amount of air.

Amazing fuel economy

The fuel economy is amazing, it is really efficient compared to other North American machines.

The product is really good, the people are that much better

A bunch of parts came with the machine, I actually think that I didn’t need anything that wasn’t sent along. There are still a lot of parts leftover. The service is incredible, talking to the service people of Agrifac, we almost didn’t notice that they were dealing with us in another country and not over here! Also dealing with the time difference wasn’t an issue at all.

Agrifac have also been over here a couple of times to check out the machine and listen to our experience so far. It really feels like Agrifac listens to their customers, and ask them what they want to do. They come with solutions that are different and innovative, they want to come with solutions that cover the issues and not just patch or a bandaid them for the moment. The product itself is really good, but the people of Agrifac are that much better.

Опрыскиватели Condor для всех типов культур

Food Crops

Злаковые культуры

Когда дело доходит до растениеводства, можно утверждать, что зерновые культуры, такие как пшеница, являются наиболее распространенными во всем мире. Зерновые культуры, в основном, используются в качестве основного ингредиента для целого ряда продуктов питания, а также для приготовления некоторых напитков, поскольку они сожержат важные питательные вещества, необходимые для жизни человека.

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Feed Crops


Подобно подсолнечнику, кукурузе необходимо достаточно солнечного света для благоприятного развития. Поэтому кукуруза идеально подходит для солнечных регионов, позволяя получить максимальную урожайность с гектара. Почва должна быть достаточно прогретой во время посева для равномерности всходов. Как правило, конец весны – идеальное время для посевного сезона.

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Oil crops


Подсолнечник отлично переносит засуху, что делает его идеальной культурой для выращивания в более теплых странах. Но благодаря селекционным сортам, данная культуры на протяжении многих лет приспособлена к выращиванию в большинстве частей мира. Подсолнечник имеет глубокую, мелкоразветвленную корневую систему, которая может потреблять воду из почвы на глубине до 2 метров. Благодаря чему, данная культура обеспечивает хорошие показатели в засушливый сезон.

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Для потребителя очень важно качество свежесрезанных тюльпанов. Нежные лепестки и стебли растений подвержены повреждениям, что не допустимо для производителя.

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Food Crops

Сахарная свекла

Корнеплоды сахарной свеклы являются основным источником производства сахара, выращиваемым фермерами в Европе. Как и картофель, данная культура является корнеплодом, поэтому очень важно обеспечить заботу почвы для получения высокой урожайности.

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Линейка моделей Agrifac Condor разработана для эффективной работы со всеми типами культур. Питание почвы на всем пути производства, а также обработка и уничтожение сорняков необходимы для повышения урожайности.

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Condor crop sprayer
  • Every drop hits the right spot
  • 99,99% use of spray liquid
  • Less use of water
  • All benefits of a Condor

Condor WideTrack

Condor WideTrack crop sprayer
  • Maximum output
  • Maximum acreage
  • Spray tracks are no longer a problem
  • All benefits of the Condor

Condor Clearance

Condor Clearance crop sprayer
  • Ground clearance up to 2 metres
  • Ideal for sunflowers and maize crops
  • Spray booms height up to 440 cm
  • All benefits of a Condor

Condor MountainMaster

Condor MountainMaster crop sprayer

Condor MountainMaster

  • Take care of your crops on steep slopes
  • High ground clearance
  • This Condor remains perfectly stable at all axles
  • All benefits of a Condor
Learn more

Endurance II

Endurance II

  • Разработан для максимальной производительности и максимальной скорости
  • Размер штанги J-boom до 55 метров
  • Бак воды 8000 литров
  • Победитель премии «Red dot Award» в 2019
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