Bardenas Comercial

Zaragoza, Spain

José Alberto Uriel
Bardenas Comercial

As a company we specialise in agricultural services with a main focus of crop protection. We are offering our customers a wide range of services which are, crop protection(spraying), planting, advising in crop protection and fertilizer treatments as well as being a distributor of chemicals and fertilizers. Our main goal is to help farmers to get the best possible yields.

Higher level of crop protection

We have chosen the Condor ClearancePlus because we wanted to achieve a higher level of crop protection. We have compared several brands on the market but Agrifac offers us the best solutions. As spraying corn/maize is getting more and more important in Spain it is important to have goodground clearance. With the Agrifac Condor we can treat the crop in the final stages of the growing process without damaging the plant due to the 200cm ground clearance. Also the variable track width of 225- 300cm is very important for us as we are dealing with several customers which are using different track/row widths.

Very hilly terrain

Because we are working in the area of Ejea de los Caballeros where it is very hilly, we equipped the machine with StrictHeightPlus. This helps us to follow the hills with the booms to keep the distance to the crop which in turn increases the quality of spraying.

Other benefits

Also the possible track width of 300cm is a big benefit as the machine is very stable. Other big benefits of the Agrifac Condor are the maneuverability with the 4-wheel steering and the ease of operation.”

Learn More about Condor Clearance

Condor Clearance

Condor Clearance crop sprayer

Condor Clearance

  • Дорожный клиренс до 2 метров
  • Идеально подходит для обработки подсолнечника и кукурузы
  • Рабочая высота штанги до 440 см
  • Все преимущества Condor
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