Typically sown in the Autumn or Spring months, onions’ growth time is very short so growers need to ensure that the machine they tend the crop with is hitting exactly the right spot as efficiently and effectively as possible. With the latest innovations from Agrifac, combined with the Condor and Condor Endurance built-in features, your spraying challenges are eliminated: perfect spraying every time.
Strict Spraying Schedule
A strict spraying schedule in combination with the right agent and the Agrifac sprayer is very important for protecting onions against weeds. Accuracy is especially important in the period of emergence and the first growth stage. The onion is very sensitive in the flag leaf stage, which can be damaged quite easily. Protection for the young plant is essential at this stage.
The Agrifac Condor: the perfect companion for all spraying needs
The Agrifac Condor and Agrifac Condor Endurance are built with an extremely comfortable and well-equipped cab, offering the operator almost a full 360 degree view of the field, plus the entire operation of the sprayer is well thought out and practically oriented. When considering ease of operation, we chose to integrate functions used during spraying into the joystick and the armrest, therefore you have all of the important functions within reach. Other settings and readouts are done via the very accessible and intuitive touchscreen colour terminal.
Condor szántóföldi permetező

- Minden csepp a megfelelő helyen
- A permetlé 99,99%-os felhasználása
- Kevesebb vízfelhasználás
- A Condor minden előnyével