JSR Farms

Andy Morton, JSR Farms
Andy Morton
JSR Farms
United Kingdom

JSR Farms is one of the largest family owned UK farming companies, established in 1958. Growing a range of crops such as wheat, barley, oil seed rape, vining peas, beans and potatoes, the arable operations spans 4000 hectares over 14 sites across East Yorkshire.


Agrifac Condor IV Self propelled machines

The company currently operates two 5000L 24m Agrifac Condor IV self-propelled machines, which each rack up 1,500 hours per year. The boom width is driven at JSR by the amount of slurry that they apply to growing crops during the Spring. Arable Farm Manager, Andy Morton comments,

We are applying around 60,000 cubic metres per year at 24 metres. Although there is other equipment available on the market to allow us to go wider with slurry application. The cost of that equipment in one season was too much to justify. So we have had to tailor the sprayers to match our existing equipment.

Importance of new sprayers

As well as the importance of their new sprayers fitting in with their current system, it is imperative that the operators’ preferences were considered ahead of the purchase too. With spending the majority of their time with the machine, it was important that the machine was easy for them to operate, service and maintain. Travelling across all fourteen sites, the comfort, speed on the road and efficiency were also huge factors to discover, as well as ensuring the machines provided excellent output, boom height control and section control to allow operations to continue efficiently and effectively.

Operators opinions

Andy Morton comments,

Our operators’ opinions are key to us, as it’s important that they are happy in the machine that they are working in. After the demonstration, they said they were very impressed with the cab comfort, operator controls and road speed. We do some spraying on ploughed land, and it was very comfortable across the ploughing, and the boom stability is excellent. Our operators also have good communication with the Agrifac technicians as well – they’re in direct communication with them for support and backup

Agrifac leading sprayer brands

Andy concluded: “We chose Agrifac as we felt that they were a strong brand, a reputable sprayer manufacturer, with a very good product in their Condor machines. The operators came back with excellent feedback from the demonstration. To help us make an informed decision on our sprayer purchase. Agrifac appears to be one of the leading sprayer brands in the UK with lots of new technology available! Which we are interested in finding out more about in the future.”

Една пръскачка Condor за всякакви култури

Food Crops

Зърнени култури

Що се отнася до обработваемото земеделие, може да се каже, че зърнените култури като пшеница са най-често отглежданите по целия свят. Зърнените култури се използват предимно като основна съставка за цял набор от хранителни продукти, както и в някои напитки, тъй като осигуряват основни хранителни вещества, необходими за човешката диета.

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Food Crops


Подобно на слънчогледа, царевицата е култура, която използва и процъфтява на слънчева светлина и се отглежда най-добре в слънчеви региони, за да даде най-висок добив от хектар. Почвата трябва да е достатъчно топла, за да осигури добро поникване малко след покълване, поради което късната пролет е идеалното време за производителя да започне засаждането.

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Food Crops


Agrifac разработи иновации, опции и решения за пръскане на всички видове култури в съответствие с нуждите и желанията на фермерите.

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Food Crops


Подобно на зърнените култури, картофите обикновено се засаждат през пролетта, като по-голямата част от посевите са изникнали между март и април

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Food Crops

Захарно цвекло

Кореноплодното растение захарно цвекло е основният източник на захар, отглеждан от фермерите в Европа. Подобно на картофите, тази култура расте под земята, което прави още по-важно да се гарантира, че почвените условия са подходящи, за да може да се получи добра реколта.

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Condor crop sprayer
  • Всяка капка отива на правилното място
  • 99,99% използване на работната течност
  • По-малък разход на вода
  • Всички преимущества на пръскачка Condor

Condor WideTrack

  • Максимална производителност
  • Максимална площ
  • Следите при пръскане вече не са проблем
  • Всички преимущества на пръскачка Condor

Condor Clearance

  • Просвет до 2 m
  • Идеална за посеви от слънчоглед и царевица
  • Височина на стрелата до 440 cm
  • Всички преимущества на пръскачка Condor

More user experiences

Ed Snyder
Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania
United States

My name is Ed Snyder from Snyder crop services. We do crop protection application, fertilizer application and we do some sales in Liquid and dry fertilizer and some consulting in crop scouting.

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James Cheney
United Kingdom

My name is James Cheney I work for W.B. Daw & Son in Staffordshire, England. We grow potatoes wheat oilseed rape and beans...

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Andy Morton, JSR Farms
Andy Morton
JSR Farms
United Kingdom

Growing a range of crops such as wheat, barley, oil seed rape, vining peas, beans and potatoes, the arable operations spans 4000 hectares over 14 sites across East Yorkshire.

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