James Cheney
I’m James Cheney, I work for W.B. Daw & Son in Staffordshire. We grow potatoes, wheat, oilseed rape and beans, covering 2500 acres of cereals and 1.000 acres of potatoes. We’ve been running the Condor now for some time now. She replaced two 4000 liter machines and she has filled the gap fantastically.
Very little downtime
Our Agrifac Condor has now clocked up 2.300 hours in that time with very little downtime apart from just regular service. So she has done everything with us even last year one of the wettest seasons on record we sprayed every acre of potato on time with no issues at all. The boom ride, especially in the area with potatoes we’ve got is fantastic as is the comfort in the cab.
I suffer a lot of issues with my back other machines and tractors but I can get off after an 18 hour day with the condor and I feel as fresh as I was when I got on it. So she’s a pleasure to drive, really. Track width control is brilliant. Everything we do is on 1 point 83 meters but having the option of pushing the wheels out wider comes very useful.

After sales and service
One of the big things for us is absolutely after sales, service and backup. Going down to one machine we needed it to be running all the time and main concern when we went with Agrifac, cause they were quite unknown in the area at the time, was could they cut the mustard, and they can. If we ring up with a breakdown somebody is with us either the same day depending on time or the next morning very early and parts are always available so we have very little downtime from breakdowns.

Take a look at the Condor crop sprayer
Condor WideTrack

Condor WideTrack
- Maximum output
- Maximum acreage
- Spray tracks are no longer a problem
- All benefits of a Condor
More user experiences

Tim Rethus, Rethus Broadacre
"We’re getting 80% more done per hour with this unit than before!"

Frank de Schutter, Westerhalm
"Now the first year, I already notice that we have 3% extra yield because of the Condor WideTrack. And with Agrifac Band spraying, we save about 60% in resources. "

Rory Vermeersch
The ability to impact the least amount of crop as possible while spraying was a huge factor in buying the Agrifac.